Funding & Event Guidelines

The Teaching, Learning, and Campus Life Committee (TLCLC) invites funding proposals from all members of the Pitzer community for special events that will enhance campus life.

Priority Funding Strategy

  • In an effort to provide more equitable access to its funds, TLCLC has implemented a priority deadline for proposals. All proposals submitted before the spring priority deadline for the next academic year will be reviewed at the TLCLC meeting immediately following the deadline. All funding requests received after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. TLCLC will allocate no more than 50% of TLCLC’s total budget prior to beginning the fall semester. This process allows community members to plan their events in advance while keeping half of the funding available to the committee for allocation during the academic year.

To request TLCLC funding, please submit a Funding Proposal form. Please be sure that your proposal adheres to the guidelines below.

TLCLC Funding Proposal Form

Funding Guidelines

  • Applicants must complete a Funding Proposal form in order to be considered for funding. Incomplete forms will not be considered. Proposals will normally be submitted at least three weeks before your event.
  • Successful applicants (“TLCLC awardees”) will receive an award letter by e-mail specifying the amount of funding they have been granted and the procedures for paying honoraria and requesting reimbursements.
  • TLCLC awardees must notify TLCLC of any changes in their event, such as changes in date, speaker, location, and funding sources. Notifications should be sent to:

Event Guidelines

  • Public events must take place on the Pitzer campus and be open to the entire Pitzer community.
  • Events funded by the Teaching and Learning Fund may be for classes; i.e., non-public.
  • All events must occur during the academic year in which funding has been granted. Funding does not roll over to the following academic year.
  • Admission/entrance fees may not be charged for events that are supported by TLCLC funds. Donations may be suggested but not required.
  • Flyers, posters, or e-mail notices publicizing public events must include the following acknowledgment: “This event was supported by the [name of the fund] / Teaching, Learning, and Campus Life Committee.”
  • Public events must be advertised on the Pitzer College events calendar: